Knee rehab videos
Accordion Content
- Pain management
- Tibial internal rotation mobilisation
- Tibial internal rotation strengthening
- Gluts
- Hamstrings
- Hip flexors
- Hip external rotators
- Hip internal rotators
- Dynamic stability
Early management of knee injuries
How to ease knee pain and swelling
Knee pain
5 Exercises to strengthen your quadriceps muscles
Exercises to help your patella tendinopathy
Easy tibial internal mobilisation for knee pain
Tibial internal rotation corrective exercises
Squat mobility tibial internal rotation mobilisation
Medial tibial rotation mobilisation
Medial knee rotation and knee flexion muscle action..
Popliteal muscle + band
Internal rotation movement hack
Fix your squat Tibial rotation
Functions of the vastus medialis muscle
VMO knee exercises
VMO strengthening exercises
Bob and Brad Physical Therapists
10 best quadriceps strengthening
VMO strengthening
Basic strengthening
What are the gluteal muscles?
Hip abduction isometric
Hip abduction with band
Side lying hip abduction with Extension
Side lying hip abduction with Flexion
Gluts tendinopathy
Intermediate strengthening
Physio Fitness Tim Keeley
Switch on the lazy gluteal muscles
Hip abduction side lying and band
Bird Dog Quadruped with hip abduction band
Gluts strengthening
Gluts stretches and exercises
Top 5 Gluts medius exercises
Complete hip strengthening. Advanced
Posterior thigh muscles
Top 10 hamstring strengthening exercises
Swiss ball leg curl
Single leg deadlift
Banded hamstring stretch
Straight leg hamstring stretch
iliopsoas muscle action function anatomy and innervation
Is your psoas muscle tight weak how to tell stretch and strengthen
Chad Madden Physical therapist
Top 3 exercises for hip flexor strengthening (basic)
Hip flexor strain stretches and exercises
Hip flexor pain
Exercises to improve hip flexor strength (advanced)
Illiopsoas Syndrome
How to do an external hip rotation strengthening exercise with band
Hip external rotators
Exercises to improve hip external rotation strength
Strength sitting hip internal rotation
Strength standing hip internal rotation
Strength sidelying hip internal rotation
Hip internal rotation exercises
Lying leg raises
Single leg squat
Pistol squat
Lunge (front reverse side; weights)
Bear Crawl
- Info
- Hip flexors
- Gluts
- Hamstrings
- Hip rotators
- Tibial internal rotation strengthen
- Tibial internal rotation mobilisation
- Treatments
- Essential products
Anterior knee pain
Anterior knee pain
Managing patellofemoral joint pain
Rehab and exercises for runners knee
Three best exercises for AKP
Chondromalacia patella
5 exercises for AKP
VMO muscle
The Vastus Medialis Oblique
A very important muscle in the knee.
This is commonly deactivated by knee pain and often needs building up.
Symptoms of its dysfunction include:
1. Knee giving way
2. Struggling with stairs
3. Struggling descending hills
4. Struggling getting out of a chair
5. Unable to lock the knee into extension
Click the icon to view VMO exercises
iliopsoas muscle action function anatomy and innervation
Is your psoas muscle tight weak how to tell stretch and strengthen
Chad Madden Physical therapist
Top 3 exercises for hip flexor strengthening (basic)
Hip flexor strain stretches and exercises
Hip flexor pain
Exercises to improve hip flexor strength (advanced)
Illiopsoas Syndrome
Basic strengthening
What are the gluteal muscles?
Hip abduction isometric
Hip abduction with band
Side lying hip abduction with Extension
Side lying hip abduction with Flexion
Gluts tendinopathy
Intermediate strengthening
Physio Fitness Tim Keeley
Switch on the lazy gluteal muscles
Hip abduction side lying and band
Bird Dog Quadruped with hip abduction band
Gluts strengthening
Gluts stretches and exercises
Top 5 Gluts medius exercises
Complete hip strengthening. Advanced
Posterior thigh muscles
Top 10 hamstring strengthening exercises
Swiss ball leg curl
Single leg deadlift
Banded hamstring stretch
Straight leg hamstring stretch
How to do an external hip rotation strengthening exercise with band
Exercises to improve hip external rotation strength
Strength sitting hip internal rotation
Strength standing hip internal rotation
Strength sidelying hip internal rotation
Medial knee rotation and knee flexion muscle action..
Popliteal muscle + band
Internal rotation movement hack
Fix your squat Tibial rotation
Easy tibial internal mobilisation for knee pain
Tibial internal rotation corrective exercises
Squat mobility tibial internal rotation mobilisation
Medial tibial rotation mobilisation
McConnell taping for PFPS
Tape for runners knee
DonJoy Reaction knee brace
How to fit a knee brace
Knee ice
Knee ice pack devices are very useful in managing knee swelling problems.
Symptoms that often require a ice devices:
1. Knee swelling from arthritis
2. Knee synovitis
3. Knee bursitis
4. Post operative knee swelling
Click the icon to view Ice devices for knees
Anterior knee pain brace
Knee braces are very useful in managing anterior knee pain.
Especially when combined with 20 minute ice pack sessions with feet elevated.
Symptoms that often require a AKP knee brace:
1. Patello-femoral joint pain
2. Patella maltracking
3. Chondromalacia patella
4. Knee bursitis
5. Knee osteoarthritis retropatella
A support will commonly deactivated muscles slowly, so remember to build your muscles up.
Resistance bands
Resistance bands are very useful in managing joint problems. Used for weeks on end to aid healing, or can be use during activity.
Conditions that often require a resistance bands:
1. Joint instability
2. Post operative joints
3. Arthritis
4. Deconditioned muscles
Click the icon to view resistance bands.
Basic knee exercises
Strengthening and mobilising level 1
10 best exercises for knee OA and pain relief
Cycling muscle activation for knee OA
VMO muscle
The Vastus Medialis Oblique
A very important muscle in the knee.
This is commonly deactivated by knee pain and often needs building up.
Symptoms of its dysfunction include:
1. Knee giving way
2. Struggling with stairs
3. Struggling descending hills
4. Struggling getting out of a chair
5. Unable to lock the knee into extension
Click the icon to view VMO exercises
Gluteal muscles
The Gluteal muscles
A very important muscle of the buttock.
This is commonly deactivated by low back pain or hip pain and often needs building up.
Symptoms of its dysfunction include:
1. Leg giving way
2. Struggling with stairs
3. Struggling ascending hills
4. Struggling getting out of a chair
5. Unable to balance on one leg
Click the icon to view Glutes exercises
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk:
Total knee replacement
Total knee replacement
Total knee replacement
How to prepare for TKR
Knee ice
Knee ice pack devices are very useful in managing knee swelling problems.
Symptoms that often require a ice devices:
1. Knee swelling from arthritis
2. Knee synovitis
3. Knee bursitis
4. Post operative knee swelling
Click the icon to view Ice devices for knees
Elastic compressive knee brace
Knee braces are very useful in managing knee swelling problems.
The thin compressive tubes can often be worn underneath hinged or orthopaedic braces to alleviate joint swelling.
Symptoms that often require a compressive knee brace:
1. Knee swelling from arthritis
2. Knee synovitis
3. Knee bursitis
4. Post operative knee swelling
A support will commonly deactivated muscles slowly, so remember to build your muscles up.
Click the icon to view compressive knee braces
Walking aids
These devices provide stability, and promote independence and confidence when one is challenged by musculoskeletal problems.
Conditions that often require walking aids:
1. Lower limb weakness and pain
3. Joint osteoarthritis
4. Frailty
5. Balance deficit
6. Neurological disorders
7. Post operative lower limb conditions
Click the icon to view walking aids
Hinged knee brace
Knee braces are very useful in managing mechanical knee problems.
A brace will commonly deactivated muscles slowly, so remember to build your muscles up.
Symptoms that often require a hinged knee brace:
1. Knee giving way
2. Recent reconstructive surgery
3. Ligament tear or strain
4. Meniscal injury with ligament injury
5. After total knee replacement or arthroscopy
Click the icon to view hinged knee braces
Orthopaedic knee brace
Knee braces are very useful in managing mechanical knee problems.
Circumstance that often require an orthopaedic hinged knee brace:
1. Knee giving way; moderate to severe instability
2. Recent knee trauma with fracture
3. Patella dislocation
4. Meniscal knee injury with ligament injury
5. After total knee replacement or arthroscopy
A support will commonly deactivated muscles slowly, so remember to build your muscles up.
Click the icon to view orthopaedic knee braces
Resistance bands
Resistance bands are very useful in managing joint problems. Used for weeks on end to aid healing, or can be use during activity.
Conditions that often require a resistance bands:
1. Joint instability
2. Post operative joints
3. Arthritis
4. Deconditioned muscles
Click the icon to view resistance bands.
- Info
- Treatment
- Dynamic stability
- Surgery
- Post op protocol M Boes
- Post op protocols
- Essential products
Ligament and cartilage injuries
ACL injury
Strengthening exercises for ACL injury
7 ACL sprain exercises
Taping for ACL injury
Donjoy Playmaker 11
Donjoy Armor
Donjoy Full Force
Lying leg raises
Single leg squat
Pistol squat
Lunge (front reverse side; weights)
Bear Crawl
ACL reconstruction
ACL reconstruction exercises
Reconstructive surgery anatomy
ACL reconstruction protocol
Phase 1 post op exercises
Post op protocol in full
ACL rehab for 12 weeks post op plyometrics
Knee ice
Knee ice pack devices are very useful in managing knee swelling problems.
Symptoms that often require a ice devices:
1. Knee swelling from arthritis
2. Knee synovitis
3. Knee bursitis
4. Post operative knee swelling
Click the icon to view Ice devices for knees
Orthopaedic knee brace
Knee braces are very useful in managing mechanical knee problems.
Circumstance that often require an orthopaedic hinged knee brace:
1. Knee giving way; moderate to severe instability
2. Recent knee trauma with fracture
3. Patella dislocation
4. Meniscal knee injury with ligament injury
5. After total knee replacement or arthroscopy
A support will commonly deactivated muscles slowly, so remember to build your muscles up.
Click the icon to view orthopaedic knee braces
Hinged knee brace
Knee braces are very useful in managing mechanical knee problems.
A brace will commonly deactivated muscles slowly, so remember to build your muscles up.
Symptoms that often require a hinged knee brace:
1. Knee giving way
2. Recent reconstructive surgery
3. Ligament tear or strain
4. Meniscal injury with ligament injury
5. After total knee replacement or arthroscopy
Click the icon to view hinged knee braces
Walking aids
These devices provide stability, and promote independence and confidence when one is challenged by musculoskeletal problems.
Conditions that often require walking aids:
1. Lower limb weakness and pain
3. Joint osteoarthritis
4. Frailty
5. Balance deficit
6. Neurological disorders
7. Post operative lower limb conditions
Click the icon to view walking aids
Resistance bands
Resistance bands are very useful in managing joint problems. Used for weeks on end to aid healing, or can be use during activity.
Conditions that often require a resistance bands:
1. Joint instability
2. Post operative joints
3. Arthritis
4. Deconditioned muscles
Click the icon to view resistance bands.
Meniscus tear
Knee pain Meniscus tear: Everything you need to know
Lateral meniscus tears: Symptoms Treatment (Surgery vs Exercise) & Recovery Time
McMurrays test
Apley test
Thessaly test
Meniscal lesion
McMurray Test
Meniscus tear exercises: 23 exercises and stretches
Exercises & treatment for meniscus tears
Knee meniscus tear tests and exercises for full recovery
Overcoming meniscus injury: A step-by-step rehabilitation plan
Cortisone shot for torn meniscus
Cortisone Injections: How they work and when to avoid them
Does a cortisone shot help a meniscus tear?
Meniscus Repair and Meniscectomy
Lateral meniscus tears: Symptoms Treatment (Surgery vs Exercise) & Recovery Time
Meniscal repair
SportsMedOrthopaedicSurgery&SpineCenter surgery
Meniscus injuries: Common Symptoms and treatment options for knee pain.
Knee ice
Knee ice pack devices are very useful in managing knee swelling problems.
Symptoms that often require a ice devices:
1. Knee swelling from arthritis
2. Knee synovitis
3. Knee bursitis
4. Post operative knee swelling
Click the icon to view Ice devices for knees
Elastic compressive knee brace
Knee braces are very useful in managing knee swelling problems.
The thin compressive tubes can often be worn underneath hinged or orthopaedic braces to alleviate joint swelling.
Symptoms that often require a compressive knee brace:
1. Knee swelling from arthritis
2. Knee synovitis
3. Knee bursitis
4. Post operative knee swelling
A support will commonly deactivated muscles slowly, so remember to build your muscles up.
Click the icon to view compressive knee braces
Hinged knee brace
Knee braces are very useful in managing mechanical knee problems.
A brace will commonly deactivated muscles slowly, so remember to build your muscles up.
Symptoms that often require a hinged knee brace:
1. Knee giving way
2. Recent reconstructive surgery
3. Ligament tear or strain
4. Meniscal injury with ligament injury
5. After total knee replacement or arthroscopy
Click the icon to view hinged knee braces
Walking aids
These devices provide stability, and promote independence and confidence when one is challenged by musculoskeletal problems.
Conditions that often require walking aids:
1. Lower limb weakness and pain
3. Joint osteoarthritis
4. Frailty
5. Balance deficit
6. Neurological disorders
7. Post operative lower limb conditions
Click the icon to view walking aids
Bakers Cyst
Bakers Cyst causes and signs and symptoms Diagnosis and treatment
Bakers cyst exercises
What is Bakers Cyst part 1
What is Bakers Cyst part 2
Ultrasound guided Bakers cyst aspiration and injection
Stress fractures or shin splints?
How to treat stress fractures in 5 minutes
How to relieve anterior shin splints
Stretches for shin splints
Sports massage for shin splints
How to treat shin splints with self massage
How to treat shin splints with tape
What the Heck is a Plica?
Knee Plica and knee pain Everything you need to know
MRI Anatomy of knee Plicae
Plica Syndrome: Signs, Symptoms and treatment of this uncomfortable knee pain
Treat Plica Syndrome knee pain with stretches and exercises
What is Plica Syndrome of the knee and how do I treat it?
8 best strengthening exercises for Plica Syndrome