Shoulder rehab videos
Expert advice – click icon to view
Shoulder pain info


How to put on a sling

How to put on a velcro sling

How to put on a collar n cuff

Shoulder external rotation sling
Shoulder pain
Shoulder slings
Slings and collar n cuff are very useful in managing shoulder problems.
Sometimes worn for weeks on end to aid healing, or can be taken off and activity can begin.
Conditions that often require a sling device:
1. Shoulder dislocation
2. Acromioclavicular joint pain
3. Shoulder fractures
4. Post operative shoulder with tendon repairs
Click the icon to view shoulder slings.
Shoulder stabilisers
Stabilisers are very useful in managing shoulder problems.
Sometimes worn for weeks on end to aid healing, or can be use during activity.
Conditions that often require a stabiliser device:
1. Shoulder dislocation or instability
2. Post operative stabilisation surgery
3. Advanced arthritis
4. Athletic shoulders with rotator cuff pain
Click the icon to view shoulder stabilisers.
Shoulder ice
Shoulder ice pack devices are very useful in managing knee swelling problems.
Symptoms that often require a ice devices:
1. Shoulder swelling from arthritis
2. Shoulder bursitis
3. Shoulder pain
4. Post operative shoulder swelling
Click the icon to view Ice devices
Expert advice – click icon to view impingement
Shoulder impingement
Shoulder pain info
Subacromial shoulder pain
Rotator cuff disorders
NHS University hospital Southampton
Arthroscopic subacromial decompression
Arthroscopic subacromial decompression
Subacromial decompression

Shoulder ice
Shoulder ice pack devices are very useful in managing knee swelling problems.
Symptoms that often require a ice devices:
1. Shoulder swelling from arthritis
2. Shoulder bursitis
3. Shoulder pain
4. Post operative shoulder swelling
Click the icon to view Ice devices
Shoulder stabilisers
Stabilisers are very useful in managing shoulder problems.
Sometimes worn for weeks on end to aid healing, or can be use during activity.
Conditions that often require a stabiliser device:
1. Shoulder dislocation or instability
2. Post operative stabilisation surgery
3. Advanced arthritis
4. Athletic shoulders with rotator cuff pain
Click the icon to view shoulder stabilisers.
Resistance bands
Resistance bands are very useful in managing joint problems. Used for weeks on end to aid healing, or can be use during activity.
Conditions that often require a resistance bands:
1. Joint instability
2. Post operative joints
3. Arthritis
4. Deconditioned muscles
Click the icon to view resistance bands.
Expert advice – click icon to view
Expert advice – click icon to view
Rotator cuff related shoulder pain

Rotator Cuff 3D Anatomy Tutorial

Shoulder anatomy animated

Rotator cuff muscles overview
Rotator cuff disorders

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Gentle cuff exercises laying down

Bob and Brad Physical therapists
10 best rotator cuff exercises

Active rehabilitation physiotherapy
Jason Crew PT

Jeremy Ethier advanced strengthening for rotator cuff

Prone external rotation 90/90

Isometric Ext rot

Supported rotator cuff – External rotation with dumbbell

Banded shoulder external rotation Neutral

Shoulder W + band and chin tuck

Standing full can

120/90 ext rotation with band

120/90 ext rotation with dumbell

Posterior cuff stretches

Click icon to view

Medial rotation sidelying

Standing neutral medial rotation + band

Standing 90/90 medial rotation + band

Subscapularis in standing

Anterior cuff stretches
Resistance bands
Resistance bands are very useful in managing joint problems. Used for weeks on end to aid healing, or can be use during activity.
Conditions that often require a resistance bands:
1. Joint instability
2. Post operative joints
3. Arthritis
4. Deconditioned muscles
Click the icon to view resistance bands.
Expert advice – click icon to view
- Info
- Smaller cuff tears
- Massive cuff tear
- Surgery
- Protocol M Kelley
- Protocol M Boes
- Essential products
Large rotator cuff tear
Rotator cuff tears

Rotator cuff muscles overview

Prof Leonard Funk
Shoulderdoc rotator cuff tears

The rotator cuff and its pathology
Exercise for small tears

Partial thickness tear

Rotator cuff exercises shoulder injury rehab: laying down

Isometric shoulder exercises

13 supraspinatus rotator cuff tear exercises

Advanced: Rotator Cuff Related Shoulder Pain Rehab & Exercises – Tears, Tendinitis, Impingement

3 Keys to rehab a rotator cuff tear and AVOID surgery
Massive rotator cuff tears
Exercise for massive tears

Deltoid rehab program

Isometric shoulder exercises

Short lever exercises for Torn cuff

Massive rotator cuff tear rehab

3 Keys to rehab a rotator cuff tear and AVOID surgery
Test for tears
Massive cuff tear?

Drop arm test

Lag sign

Deltoid muscle
Repair of the torn rotator cuff
Click icon and register to watch a video to help inform you of what is in store with total hip replacements. A decision aid. Dorset clinical commissioning group

Rotator cuff tear repair

3 Keys to rehab a rotator cuff tear and AVOID surgery
Rotator cuff repair
Rotator cuff repair
Irreparable rotator cuff can be offered a shoulder replacement

Reverse shoulder replacement with Universe Revers system

Dr Edward McFarland
Total shoulder arthroplasty

Shoulder replacement
Shoulder replacement hemi & resurfacing

Click icon to view

Weeks 1 to 6
PennMedicine Dr Martin Kelley

Weeks 7 to 12
PennMedicine Dr Martin Kelley

Weeks 8 onwards
PennMedicine Dr Martin Kelly

Click icon to view

Phases 1 to 4 rehab for Rotator cuff surgery

Phases 1 to 4 rehab for Rotator cuff surgery

Phases 1 to 4 rehab for Rotator cuff surgery

Phases 1 to 4 rehab for Rotator cuff surgery
Shoulder ice
Shoulder ice pack devices are very useful in managing knee swelling problems.
Symptoms that often require a ice devices:
1. Shoulder swelling from arthritis
2. Shoulder bursitis
3. Shoulder pain
4. Post operative shoulder swelling
Click the icon to view Ice devices
Shoulder stabilisers
Stabilisers are very useful in managing shoulder problems.
Sometimes worn for weeks on end to aid healing, or can be use during activity.
Conditions that often require a stabiliser device:
1. Shoulder dislocation or instability
2. Post operative stabilisation surgery
3. Advanced arthritis
4. Athletic shoulders with rotator cuff pain
Click the icon to view shoulder stabilisers.
Resistance bands
Resistance bands are very useful in managing joint problems. Used for weeks on end to aid healing, or can be use during activity.
Conditions that often require a resistance bands:
1. Joint instability
2. Post operative joints
3. Arthritis
4. Deconditioned muscles
Click the icon to view resistance bands.
Expert advice – click icon to view
Frozen shoulder
Frozen shoulder and diabetes

Pendulum exercises

Bob and Brad Physical therapists
Wand exercises & stertches

Stretches and exercises

Frozen shoulder physical therapy pulley exercises

Bob and Brad Physical therapists
Frozen shoulder 60 second exercises
Frozen shoulder exercises


Manipulation under anaesthetic

Long term outcomes of MUA
Resistance bands
Resistance bands are very useful in managing joint problems. Used for weeks on end to aid healing, or can be use during activity.
Conditions that often require a resistance bands:
1. Joint instability
2. Post operative joints
3. Arthritis
4. Deconditioned muscles
Click the icon to view resistance bands.
Expert advice – click icon to view

Shoulder arthritis animation

Total shoulder replacement

Total shoulder replacement

Reverse total shoulder replacement
Shoulder ice
Shoulder ice pack devices are very useful in managing knee swelling problems.
Symptoms that often require a ice devices:
1. Shoulder swelling from arthritis
2. Shoulder bursitis
3. Shoulder pain
4. Post operative shoulder swelling
Click the icon to view Ice devices
Shoulder stabilisers
Stabilisers are very useful in managing shoulder problems.
Sometimes worn for weeks on end to aid healing, or can be use during activity.
Conditions that often require a stabiliser device:
1. Shoulder dislocation or instability
2. Post operative stabilisation surgery
3. Advanced arthritis
4. Athletic shoulders with rotator cuff pain
Click the icon to view shoulder stabilisers.
Resistance bands
Resistance bands are very useful in managing joint problems. Used for weeks on end to aid healing, or can be use during activity.
Conditions that often require a resistance bands:
1. Joint instability
2. Post operative joints
3. Arthritis
4. Deconditioned muscles
Click the icon to view resistance bands.
Expert advice – click icon to view

Calcific tendonitis of shoulder. Mr E Cleeman.
Manhattan Orthopaedic & sports medicine group p.c.

Everything you need to know – Dr Nabil Ebraheim

Pendulum exercises

Three gentle shoulder stretches – ideal for very painful shoulders
Marc Albano PT

Bob and Brad Physical Therapist
Best self treatment and exercises you can do
Shoulder ice
Shoulder ice pack devices are very useful in managing knee swelling problems.
Symptoms that often require a ice devices:
1. Shoulder swelling from arthritis
2. Shoulder bursitis
3. Shoulder pain
4. Post operative shoulder swelling
Click the icon to view Ice devices
Shoulder stabilisers
Stabilisers are very useful in managing shoulder problems.
Sometimes worn for weeks on end to aid healing, or can be use during activity.
Conditions that often require a stabiliser device:
1. Shoulder dislocation or instability
2. Post operative stabilisation surgery
3. Advanced arthritis
4. Athletic shoulders with rotator cuff pain
Click the icon to view shoulder stabilisers.
Expert advice – click icon to view
Shoulder instability

Shoulderdoc Labral tears & instability

Instability exercises

Shoulder instability
Shoulder Stabilisation
Shoulder ice
Shoulder ice pack devices are very useful in managing knee swelling problems.
Symptoms that often require a ice devices:
1. Shoulder swelling from arthritis
2. Shoulder bursitis
3. Shoulder pain
4. Post operative shoulder swelling
Click the icon to view Ice devices
Shoulder stabilisers
Stabilisers are very useful in managing shoulder problems.
Sometimes worn for weeks on end to aid healing, or can be use during activity.
Conditions that often require a stabiliser device:
1. Shoulder dislocation or instability
2. Post operative stabilisation surgery
3. Advanced arthritis
4. Athletic shoulders with rotator cuff pain
Click the icon to view shoulder stabilisers.
Resistance bands
Resistance bands are very useful in managing joint problems. Used for weeks on end to aid healing, or can be use during activity.
Conditions that often require a resistance bands:
1. Joint instability
2. Post operative joints
3. Arthritis
4. Deconditioned muscles
Click the icon to view resistance bands.
Expert advice – click icon to view
Expert advice – click icon to view
AC joint injuries

Acromioclavicular joint

AC joint osteoarthritis
Clavicle fractures
Shoulder ice
Shoulder ice pack devices are very useful in managing knee swelling problems.
Symptoms that often require a ice devices:
1. Shoulder swelling from arthritis
2. Shoulder bursitis
3. Shoulder pain
4. Post operative shoulder swelling
Click the icon to view Ice devices
Shoulder stabilisers
Stabilisers are very useful in managing shoulder problems.
Sometimes worn for weeks on end to aid healing, or can be use during activity.
Conditions that often require a stabiliser device:
1. Shoulder dislocation or instability
2. Post operative stabilisation surgery
3. Advanced arthritis
4. Athletic shoulders with rotator cuff pain
Click the icon to view shoulder stabilisers.
Diagnose your shoulder problem here