Pilates & Myofascial Slings
- Hundreds
- Clam
- Hip twist
- Scissors
- Shoulder bridge
- One leg stretch
- Double leg stretch
- One leg circle
- One leg kick
- Leg pull
- Criss cross
- Essential products

Hundreds 1

Hundreds 2

Hundreds 3

Hundreds 4

Hundreds 5 advanced

Hip twist 1

Hip twist 2

Hip twist 3

Hip twist 4

Hip twist 5

Hip twist advanced

Shoulder bridge 2

Shoulder bridge 3

Double leg stretch

One leg circle

One leg circle 2

One leg kick

One leg kick 2

Plank 1 / prone leg pull 2

Prone leg pull 2

Prone leg pull 3

Prone leg pull 4

Leeds Physiotherapy & Pilates Practice
Criss Cross
Resistance bands
Resistance bands are very useful in managing joint problems. Used for weeks on end to aid healing, or can be use during activity.
Conditions that often require a resistance bands:
1. Joint instability
2. Post operative joints
3. Arthritis
4. Deconditioned muscles
Click the icon to view resistance bands.
Myofascial slings
Anatomy slings and their relationship with back pain

Core muscle training with pelvic floor activation: series 1

Core muscle training with pelvic floor activation: series 2

Lateral breathing
Pilates book

What is Anterior Oblique Sling?

Bird Dog weight shift

Bird Dog one arm

Bird Dog one leg

Bird Dog horizontal

Bird Dog Quadruped with Hip Abduction Both Sides

Oblique curl up

Reverse lunge with rotation

What is Posterior Oblique Sling?

How to do a side plank

How to do a side plank advanced

Bird Dog horizontal

Bird Dog Quadruped with Hip Abduction Band

Elbow prop plank hip ext

Side bridge with clam band

What is posterior longitudinal Sling?

Spinal roll down from wall standing

Roll down standing

Roll up with band (pregnancy)

Seated C curve roll up 1

Seated C curve roll up 2

Adductor squeeze curl up

Nordic hamstring curl with roller

What is Lateral Sling?

How to do a clam

Side bridge with clam

Side lying glute strengthening

Side lying glute 1

Side lying glute 2

Half single leg squat

Full single leg squat

Squat with band on wall

Squat with band

How to do a lumbar bridge

Lumbar bridge with band 1

Lumbar bridge with band 4

Lumbar bridge with band 6

Lateral sling test

Lateral sling Series

Lateral sling Series 1

Lateral sling Series 2

Lateral sling Series 3

Lateral sling Series combo

Lateral sling Plank

Band lateral Sling birddog from hover
Recommended products
These product exactly or as closely as possible match those commonly issued in the healthcare industry. Clinically approved.