Osteoporosis & spinal fractures





Osteoporosis & spinal fractures 4

Everything you need to know about Osteoporosis 

Nabil Ebraheim

Osteoporosis & spinal fractures 4

How to assess fracture risk FRAX

MargaretMartin PT


Exercises for your back

Osteoporosis & spinal fractures 4

Beginners core workout

Michelle Kenway PT

Osteoporosis & spinal fractures 4

Hip strengthening

Michelle Kenway PT

Osteoporosis & spinal fractures 4

Spine strength and posture

Michelle Kenway PT

Osteoporosis & spinal fractures 4

intermediate core workout

Michelle Kenway PT

Osteoporosis & spinal fractures 4

Advanced core workout

Michelle Kenway PT

Osteoporosis & spinal fractures 4

8 weight training gym exercises

MargaretMartin PT

Osteoporosis & spinal fractures 4

Low intensity Vibration Therapy

MargaretMartin PT


Spinal fractures

Osteoporosis & spinal fractures 4

Osteoporotic vertebral fractures


Osteoporosis & spinal fractures 4

6 fracture predictors

MargaretMartin PT

Osteoporosis & spinal fractures 4

The supine sign for Osteoporotic vertebral fractures


Osteoporosis & spinal fractures 4

Closed fist percussion sign for osteoporotic vertebral fractures


Osteoporosis & spinal fractures 4


Thoracic and lumbar vertebra


Lumbar compression fractures


Susans story


Recovering from a spinal fracture

Osteoporosis & spinal fractures 4

Stop the kyphosis

What not to do

MargaretMartin PT

Osteoporosis & spinal fractures 4

Exercises not to do

Michelle Kenway

Osteoporosis & spinal fractures 4

Osteoporosis exercises

Michelle Kenway PT

Osteoporosis & spinal fractures 4

Brenda’s story

MargaretMartin PT

Osteoporosis & spinal fractures 4

Should you wear a back brace?


Osteoporosis & spinal fractures 4

How to fit a back brace


Posture corrector

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Osteoporosis & spinal fractures 31
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Osteoporosis & spinal fractures 32
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Posture correctors are used to relieve pain and aid skeletal alignment. It is important to understand that persistent use of these aids has been shown to decondition your muscles. These aids must be used as part of a rehabilitation program, likely involving strengthening. It is often very difficult to get a correct fit with these devices,  there may be initial discomfort, but please consider returning your item if you feel it is providing problems and discomfort. Your tolerance to the device will grow , so wear it 2 hours more each day.

There are many conditions which benefit from a posture corrector:

  1. Osteoporosis
  2. Scoliosis and kyphosis
  3. Postural dysfunction
  4. Heavy chest
  5. Spinal nerve irritation
  6. Arthritis
  7. Thoracic outlet syndrome
  8. and many more
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TENS Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulation

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A TENS machine is a small, battery-operated device that has leads connected to sticky pads called electrodes. You attach the pads directly to your skin. When the machine is switched on, small electrical impulses are delivered to the affected area of your body, which you feel as a tingling sensation.
The electrical impulses can reduce the pain signals going to the spinal cord and brain, which may help relieve pain and relax muscles. They may also stimulate the production of endorphins, which are the body’s natural painkillers. 
(28.01.23 https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/transcutaneous-electrical-nerve-stimulation-tens/)/
1. Most types of joint pain
2. peripheral neuropathy
3. pregnancy delivery
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Resistance bands

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Resistance bands are very useful in managing joint problems. Used for weeks on end to aid healing, or can be use during activity.
Conditions that often require a resistance bands:
1. Joint instability
2. Post operative joints
3. Arthritis
4.  Deconditioned muscles
Click the icon to view resistance bands.
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Posture corrector

Osteoporosis & spinal fractures 30
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Osteoporosis & spinal fractures 31
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Osteoporosis & spinal fractures 32
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Posture correctors are used to relieve pain and aid skeletal alignment. It is important to understand that persistent use of these aids has been shown to decondition your muscles. These aids must be used as part of a rehabilitation program, likely involving strengthening. It is often very difficult to get a correct fit with these devices,  there may be initial discomfort, but please consider returning your item if you feel it is providing problems and discomfort. Your tolerance to the device will grow , so wear it 2 hours more each day.

There are many conditions which benefit from a posture corrector:

  1. Osteoporosis
  2. Scoliosis and kyphosis
  3. Postural dysfunction
  4. Heavy chest
  5. Spinal nerve irritation
  6. Arthritis
  7. Thoracic outlet syndrome
  8. and many more
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