Neck traction devices

Traction devices are used to relieve pain from nerve irritation and stiffness in the neck. 

It is important to understand that these aids must be used as part of a rehabilitation program, likely involving strengthening. 

It is often very difficult to get a correct fit with these devices,  but please consider returning your item if you feel it is providing problems and discomfort. Always watch the traction advice videos provided.

The device should relieve your neck and arm or shoulder pain, gradually. If your pain worsens then retry more gently, if it occurs again, then traction is not for you. See health professional.

Your tolerance to the treatment will grow, start with 5 minutes and progress to 20 – 25 minute sessions, twice daily if successful.

Do not apply more than 10 kg of force; equal to 10 litres of water weight. Inflatable devices will not exceed this.
Not suitable for Rheumatoid arthritis patients with cervical instability, or Downs Syndrome with cervical instability.

There are many conditions which benefit from traction:

  1. Cervical radiculopathy (trapped nerve)
  2. Scoliosis and kyphosis with nerve irritation
  3. Cervical spondylosis with radiculopathy
  4. Cervical spondylosis (arthritis)
  5. Stiff neck

Traction devices

Neck traction devices 2
✅INFLATABLE CERVICAL NECK TRACTION DEVICE - Designed to relieve cervical....
Neck traction devices 3
Med-Fit Cervical Traction Unit is an effective, over-the-door cervical traction....
Neck traction devices 5
🌟 OverDoor Cervical Traction Device: helps to realign and stabilize....

Traction device review videos

Neck traction devices 7

Review of the best cervical traction devices

Neck traction devices 7

Bob and Brad  Physical therapists

Over the door neck traction how to fit

Best advice on how to use

Neck traction devices 7

Bob and Brad  Physical therapists

Over the door neck traction how to fit

Best advice on how to use

Neck traction devices 7

How to use an inflatable neck traction device

Ever relief

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